Islam for Universal Harmony: Muhammad's Chest Dissection

Saturday, 18 November 2017

Muhammad's Chest Dissection

Little Muhammad was already four years old when he was playing with his friends at Bani Saad village. While Muhammad was playing, Angel Jibril alaihissalam came to him. Muhammad’s little hands were held by Jibril. Muhammad was surprised. Jibril immediately pulled at him until Muhammad fainted.
Jibril moved rapidly. He took off Muhammad’s shirt and dissected his chest. He took out Muhammad’s heart. A clod of congealed blood was found by Jibril from Muhammad’s heart.

“This is the part of Shaitan within yourself!” Jibril said.
Jibril washed the clod of congealed in a golden vessel with zamzam water. After it was clean, Jibril put it back into Muhammad’s body. (HR Muslim)
This event made Muhammad’s friends scared and run away. They looked for Halimah and shouted, “Muhammad has been killed! Muhammad has been killed!”
Halimah was shocked hearing the news. She came to Muhammad with other fellow Bani Saad. Muhammad stood up and looked healthy. His face looked brighter than before and it shone the light of nobility.

This incident made Halimah worry about Muhammad’s safety. She decided to return Muhammad to his mother Aminah.

According to Dr Ramdhan al Buthi, the incident of Muhammad’s chest dissection has some philosophies as follows.

  1. It reveals the existence of Muhammad as a Messenger of Allah who was maksum (being pure from any sin) and it prepared him to take the responsibility as a God Messenger.
  2. It is for human to more easily believe and accept his teachings.
  3. It is a process of soul purification with a way that human being sense can grasp.
  4. It is to form the character and personality which is tough, firm, wise, and gallant.

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