Islam for Universal Harmony: ABOUT THIS SITE


This website is dedicated to all human beings no matter what religion they are from: Islam, Catholics, Christianity, Judaism, Hindu, Buddha, and so on. You all are most welcomed to enjoy this site.
I am glad to share everything about history of Islamic civilisation, beginning from the era of the birth of the last Prophet and God’s Messenger named Muhammad Peace Be Upon Hiim (PBUH). The contents of this website are derived from a variety of resources. Especially for Muhammad PBUH’s stories, I translate a good book called “THE GREAT STORY OF MUHAMMMAD” which was originally written by Ahmad Hatta et al, and published by Maghfirah Pustaka, Jakarta, Indonesia.
For other stories related to Islamic civilisations that went after the end of prophethood era, I use various sources which are mostly written originally in Bahasa Indonesia, and then translate them for you.
We all know that the best civilisation that was ever established in this world came from Islam. We have already seen the greatness of Islamic civilisations in the era of caliphates Abu Bakr, Umar, Utsman, and Ali. We also recognise the era of Umayyad Empire especially under the rule of caliphs in the calibre of Muawiyah and Umar ibn Abdul Aziz.
Abbasiyah Empire even contributed huge contributions towards the development of science and technology in its era before this civilisation was tackled down by Queen Isabel in Andalusia (Now Spain). Abundant scientists were Muslims who were all inspired by the Quran since the main focus of Muslims has always been learning Divine revelations including Quran (the Holy Book) and Hadits (the traditions of Prophet Muhammad PBUH).
As we know that Islam is revealed not only for one tribe or one nation only, but it is a “rahmatan lil alamin” – blessings for universe. So, in order that this universe goes in harmony and is blessed by Allah The Creator of every single creature, everything refers to His rules and wisdom, and everything of which has been revealed through teachings in Islam. The teachings of Islam refer to Quran and Hadits as mentioned earlier, and to know how both revelations are practised, we can learn from Sirah Nabawiyah (History of Prophethood).
For the sake of this purpose, this website tries to provide the information related to Sirah Nabawiyah and history of Islamic civilizations afterwards. This website is of course not a perfect one which can satisfy your hunger and drought of Islamic stories, but I will try my best to provide you with the simple, understandable, and friendly writing.
Last, I hope for the usefulness of this website for all readers. May Allah The Creator reward us with the best reward and ease our stuff with His blessings. Amin



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