Islam for Universal Harmony: Muhammad Under The Nurture of His Grandfather

Sunday 19 November 2017

Muhammad Under The Nurture of His Grandfather

Little Muhammad was now nurtured by his grandfather Abdul Muthallib in Mecca. Abdul Muthallib loved Muhammad so much. He never hesitated to kiss him in public, carry him on his back, and bring him back and fro like a flower. Moreover, he really admired his grandson.
There was one day when Muhammad tried to sit down on Abdul Muthallib’s throne. This throne was bestowed by the Quraish for Abdul Muthallib as an honour for his nobility.  We all know that Abdul Muthallib was a respectable leader of Quraish that everyone who saw him would surely be amazed by his authority and his beauty as well as – especially – his noble personality. All in all, Abdul Muthallib was fully respected by everyone and no one would ever, ever dare to get any closer to his thrown.
But this young boy, Muhammad, with his simplicity and plainness, not only got closer to his grandfather’s throne but he even did more than that. He sat there! This act made most people of surrounding the throne mad. They thought this young kid would get scolded by his noble grandfather, or even would be punished.
Their prediction in fact missed. Muhammad was neither scolded nor punished. Abdul Muthallib wasn’t angry at all. Instead he smiled when he saw the incident. He rubbed Muhammad’s back, and said, “Let him be. By Allah, he will be a great man!”
Abdul Muthallib nurtured Muhammad for only 2 years. When Muhammad reached 8 years 2 months and 10 days, his beloved grandfather passed away. He was then nurtured by his father’s brother (uncle) named Abu Thalib, as said by Abdul Muthallib’s final testament.
Muhammad was lucky since love and compassion given by Abu Thalib was not less than what had been given by Abdul Muthallib. Abu Thalib even gave more love and compassion to Muhammad, even protected him during his dakwah period later.

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