Islam for Universal Harmony: Muhammad Nurtured by Halimah and its Blessings to Bani Sa'ad Family

Friday 17 November 2017

Muhammad Nurtured by Halimah and its Blessings to Bani Sa'ad Family

It had been the tradition of The Arabs that a baby born should be taken care of another woman who can breastfeed him or her. It was done to improve his immune system, strengthen the muscles and keep him fluent in speaking like their mothers since the breastfeeding family should teach Arabic to the babies they take care of.

The lucky woman was Halimah binti Abi Dzuaib from the tribe of Bani Saad bin Bakar. She was not from a rich family. She came to Mecca in the midst of famine period riding a white donkey slowly because it was so weak and thin. She also took with ther a camel that couldn’t anymore produce milk. She never realised that she would bring Muhammmad home and breastfeed him. Financially, Halimah and her family were not as prosperous as the others. However, Allah had chosen this blessed family.

During her trip back home, her milk suddenly increased to full so that she could breastfeed the little Muhammad. Her other baby she breastfed could then also receive sufficient amount of milk from her until it fell asleep.

When Halimah’s father came to the camel, suddenly the camel could produce milk. He squeezed it to get the milk afterwards. When returning to the village of Bani Saad, Halimah rode the camel with little Muhammad and suddenly the camel could run so fast that no other camels could catch up.

Arriving at the village, Halimah and her husband found out that despite the famine period, their flock of sheep which had been initially thin now became fat and full of milk whereas no one could squeeze milk from their sheep at that time.
Muhammad Nurtured by Halimah and its Blessings to Bani Sa'ad Family

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